Baby Sleep Training


Baby and Child Sleep Training

Are you having problems with your baby or child’s sleep patterns? Is there no pattern at all? Are they clingy to you, night waking or wide awake in the middle of the night?!

You are most likely reading this because you and your family need more sleep!

You’ve come to the right place and my first reassurance to you is IT CAN BE CHANGED! It will get better – with the right focus, time, patience and a loving, gentle approach, babies and children can be encouraged into good sleep patterns – for the whole night long.

About Sleep Training

People tend to think (wrongly) that sleep training is leaving your baby or child to cry until they are so exhausted they fall asleep. This indeed is the approach of some – not me. My approach is a gentle approach that doesn’t use controlled crying, that is tailor-made to you and your family. It’s based on love, patience and the child.

I created the “Sleepy Bundle” which is a structured sleep training programme with support all the way through.

I can help with:

  • Establishing a bedtime routine
  • Nightly wakings
  • Self-soothing problems
  • Night terrors

So if you feel like you have fallen into bad habits with sleep and your child’s bedtime routine has gone out the window then please get in touch!

About The Sleepy Bundle  – £250

The Sleepy Bundle package aims to address your child’s sleeping issues and work towards a positive conclusion gently and effectively. It’s also designed to ensure the maximum support and contact between us, so I can best understand your needs, those of your family and your child’s behaviours.

The Sleepy Bundle package includes support during and after the programme – it’s important you feel that you have full support throughout as it can sometimes feel like a very tough process to go through.

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What’s Included In The Sleepy Bundle:

  • 4 week plan of action
  • Initial 15 minute phone call to understand an overview of what’s needed
  • 1 hour home visit to discuss the sleep issue (Home visits take place in Brighton and surrounding areas – Worthing, Brighton, Hove, Sussex)
  • Tailor-made sleep shaping plan
  • 1 weekly scheduled phone call plus unlimited email/text support
  • Follow up phone call after 4 weeks to review progress and address any further concerns

Full payment is made after initial phone conversation and before home visit.


Will It Work?

This question is obviously at the forefront of parent’s minds – when you are sleep deprived and everyone is tired, you just want it fixed – and soon! Although I would love to wave a magic wand and give you 8 hours of blissful sleep every night right away, unfortunately it’s going to take some time. While my methods are gentle, they are highly effective and take commitment and consistency from you.

We need to work together to ensure consistency is delivered and at some points this may feel tough – but it’s short term pain for long term gain. I have had excellent results with my past clients and the ones that were dedicated and consistent saw change happening sooner and adopted quicker.

The Sleepy Bundle - £250

  • 4 week plan of action
  • Initial 15 minute phone call to understand an overview of what’s needed
  • 1 hour home visit to discuss the sleep issue (Home visits take place in Brighton and surrounding areas – Worthing, Brighton, Hove, Sussex)
  • Tailor-made sleep shaping plan
  • 1 weekly scheduled phone call plus unlimited email/text support
  • Follow up phone call after 4 weeks to review progress and address any further concerns

Full payment is made after initial phone conversation and before home visit.